Switch your phone system in 2022 and switch to a better way of doing business

As another business year gets into full swing and the country looks forward to the lifting of restrictions post-Omicron, many businesses are looking for ways to optimise communications and reduce...
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Thousands of Irish users are loving our Microsoft Teams integration – here’s why

The pandemic has forced the world into multiple forms of hybrid working, accelerating a process that was already well underway as we move to a “distributed work experience”. One of the key tools that...
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Microsoft Teams Phone Calling is seamless with IPT for Teams

We’ve spoken a lot about our IPT for Teams integration that embeds your business phone system into the heart of Microsoft Teams but we’d like to show you how simple it is for the end-users so that...
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How to keep your business running from anywhere with IPT for Teams

Here we go again! The Taoiseach has directed people to work from home unless it is absolutely necessary. For many businesses, it is reminiscent of the directive given in March 2020 by the government,...
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What is VoIP? And why does my business need it right now

VoIP is defined as voice over internet protocol. But let’s not get hung up by technicalities – VoIP is just a term used to describe the way that phone calls are carried in a modern context. Like...
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Looking to implement hybrid working? Here is why you should consider IPT for Teams

Utilising the right tech to implement blended work models is a recipe for success. With the right modern tools at your disposal, you can improve employee buy-in to new working patterns, increased...
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Introducing IPT for Microsoft Teams

When your phone system integrates with your online collaboration tools – that’s something special. Introducing IPT for Teams.
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How hybrid workforces benefit from a UCaaS solution

Working from home has become commonplace as companies continue to adapt to changes to business operations brought upon by the pandemic. While the verdict is that remote work will remain a permanent...
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Hybrid offices: How VoIP and new tech changes work and our cities

In early January last year, I wrote how remote working was going to be the next major trend in the way that we worked and technology like VoIP and the likes of Microsoft Teams was the key to seeing...
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How to change the game with IPT for Teams

IP Telecom's unique integration, IPT for Teams, allows companies to communicate better by unifying all the features of Microsoft Teams with their IP Telecom Phone system.
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How a Hosted PBX can drive your digital transformation

Every business knows that adopting and implementing digital transformation initiatives will be a priority in the 2020s. Companies looking to transform their business processes, model, and company...
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At home with Rory Whelan - Head of Marketing

At IP Telecom, "Communicate Better" is more than a slogan; it is the driving ethos of our product design, company culture, and service delivery. In this instalment of our At home with Series, where...
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Get in touch for a consultation and see how easy it is to start enjoying all the benefits of IP Telecom VoIP Solutions.